Variable Naming Rules
Variable name can be a combination of alphabet,number and underscore( _ ). Variable name can't start with digits. Variable names are case-Sensitive language.(means that ex- pramod and PRAMOD are treated as differently. Keywords can't be used as Variable Name. Dynamically Typed Language Other language like c ,c++,java is statically typed language.but python is a dynamically typed language.(Let us understand by an example x=5 (int type) After some line of code we also write x=6.4( float type) After some code we can change the the value x="Pramod" Important Points Not only the value of a variable, we can also change the data type of a variable . ex-x=5 x=3.5 Now,Here at first we assign the int type value in x.After some we assign the float value in the same variable x in the...