
Showing posts from July, 2019

Variable Naming Rules

Variable name can be a combination of alphabet,number and underscore( _ ). Variable name can't start with digits. Variable names are case-Sensitive language.(means that ex- pramod and PRAMOD are treated as differently. Keywords can't be used as Variable Name. Dynamically Typed Language Other language like c ,c++,java is statically typed language.but python is a dynamically typed language.(Let us understand by an example x=5 (int type) After some line of code we also write x=6.4( float type) After some code we can change the the value x="Pramod" Important Points        Not only the value of a variable, we can also  change the data type of a variable .              ex-x=5                   x=3.5               Now,Here at first we assign the int type value in x.After some we assign the float value in the same variable x in the...

Variable in python

Now,Our Actual python is started from now. Identifiers :-The smallest identifying unit in the program is called Identifier.(Like words in English Language. An identifier can be categorized on the basis of their usage. like variable, package,function,class  and so on. Variable :- Variable is just like a container that can hold any data.                  variable are nothing but reserved memory location that store values.                   It means that when we create a variable you reserved some space in memory location. Why Variable in program :  Since program is make for processing the data.Here Processing means perform Some calculation. let us take an example If we have to find the simple Interest Of a given Data.Then, the process of finding Simple Interest  is called Data Processing. Program-Set of Instruction.

Features of Python

It is an Interpreted Language.{Note:Interpreter is program that execute the code line by line.} Python is a case-sensitive Language.(It means that Lowercase and Uppercase letter treated differently. It is an Object-Oriented Language. Dynamically Typed Language. Indentation (Fixed space) is used in place of Curly Braces({}). Use Variable Without declaration. Automatic Memory Management.

First Program to use print function

    I hope that you all have installed python 3.7 on your machine(computer/laptop).    For writing the code,just go to Start-> IDLE->write single line code .        print("Hello World")       If u want to write multiple line code       FILE -> New->code->save with .py       Now,In python print() is an in-built function like printf() in c Language and println( "") in java.     print is an in-built function in Python's  Library. It's  Syntex  is print("Hello World") Here Hello World is a string.It always written in Single quote(' ') or Double quote(" "). We read about String later in another chapter NOTE: Don't forget to write the extension .py while Saving the file.

Installation of python

for the installation of Python: just visit the original site of Python: 3.7/ Now,since Python is an Open Source project Which is completely free to use.

History Of Python

Idea Of Python Implementation Started in 1989 and successfully published in 1991 . Developed by Guido Van Rossum ( Netherlands ) . Python Language is highly influenced By SET L (a theory of set ) and ABC language. Key Point : Since Guido Van Rossum is a big fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus (A british Comedy Serial).from here the idea of name is taken. Currently ,The version of python  3.X(2008 ) is going on.
                                            Python??????? Hay,Do you know that in the 21th Century ,Python is one of the famous language that will definitely going on trending. Python is a Language that can be used in All domain like in Consloe Application ,Web Application ( Django), Desktop Application,Mobile Application ,IOT Application.